12 Days!

My mom sends a countdown via email every day and I can’t believe that today it said 12 days until Baby Boy! Now, I know it’s just based on my due date and yes I know I can go past my due date. But 12 days until my due date seems insane! And here in the Midwest we are supposed to get this big snow storm on Thursday….Apparently a lot of babies are born in storms, something with the pressure dropping. Who knows! All I know is if we do have this baby this week we will be ready. My mom came up this weekend and we got our last minute baby needs, cooked, cleaned it was great. Thanks Mom!

Now, on to my 38 week update! I have about five outfits I rotate, hence why you keep seeing this one. 🙂 it’s so comfortable! I promise I do my laundry… A lot!


How far along? 38 Weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No, I have been so lucky in this department.
Sleep: Some nights are better than others.
Best moment this week: My mom came up all weekend! We shopped, cooked, cleaned. I am ready for this baby!
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach…sleeping well.
Movement: Yep, still lots of movement, I had a doctor appointment and his heart rate kept accelerating because he was moving a lot. And the midwife said he is one active little boy! Then she said good luck! Hahahaha.
Food cravings: still craving a steak burrito bowl from Chipotle every day! Curt….lets have this some time this week?! 😉
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY! Little Man, as I like to call him. 🙂
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Officially off. 😦
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.
Looking forward to: Date Night! We will have one last date just the two of us before our due date…unless he makes an appearance before Saturday. 🙂 And having this baby, and seeing what he looks like and sharing his name…FINALLY!

Bump Update: 37 Weeks


How far along? 37 weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No, I have been so lucky in this department.
Sleep: I do not sleep well.
Best moment this week: Curt and I had a little day date the other day, it’s nice to do those things while we still can as just the two of us. Picking up and just leaving wont be so easy with a baby! 🙂
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach and I could really go for an ice cold coke!
Movement: Yep, lots of movement but the majority always happens around 7pm.
Food cravings: I still wish I could have Chipotle every day!
Anything making you queasy or sick: You know, I think I can finally say no to this question!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY! Little Man, as I like to call him. 🙂
Labor Signs: Not yet. But I have been getting more and more Braxton Hicks that also have been causing some additional cramping…
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and off….just depends.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.
Looking forward to: So much is going on this week, I have my work baby shower tomorrow (I work with the best people, I am truly very lucky), my mom and sisters are all coming and hanging out all weekend for last minute baby shopping this weekend, Curt and I will celebrate Vday, I get to hear Little Man tomorrow at my weekly appointment….lots of fun things going on this week!

19 days and counting!!

Bump Update:35 Weeks

33 days and counting! How crazy is that?! Seems like just yesterday we were in the Ozarks and we found out we were preggo and had to keep it a secret for several days with the family until we were ready to tell them. I remember taking wine and making Curt drink it haha,and I remember at our last dinner there ordering root beer and my mom shouting down the table “Megan, are you just drinking pop? Why? You don’t want a drink?” Not that I drink a lot but I think my mom was monitoring my drinks for months trying to figure out when we were pregnant. Haha, moms….fast forward and here we are, clearly pregnant and ready to pop!


How far along? 35 weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep has not been going well, I’ve been pretty uncomfortable and waking up often. I’m just preparing for those sleepless nights with a newborn.
Best moment this week: putting the finishing touches on his nursery. I still think we have some items we “need” but we are ready for this kid, 🙂
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach or sleeping well in general.
Movement: Still feeling lots of movement, yay! And he still gets hiccups.
Food cravings: This kid craves spicy food or something, all I ever want his Mexican or Chipotle. I wish we could have tacos every night this week, but Curt said no. 😦
Anything making you queasy or sick: You know, I think I can finally say no to this question!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY! Little Man, as I like to call him. 🙂
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and off….just depends.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.
Looking forward to: So close to D date! It blows my mind that possibly in 33 days or less we may have a newborn! I keep thinking he may come early but I know that is very rare for a first timer. 🙂 We will see!

Bump Update: 34 Weeks


How far along? 34 weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Some nights are better than others, but it’s getting harder and harder to get a good nights sleep!
Best moment this week: We did have an unplanned ultrasound the other day, it’s pretty neat to see when we are so far along and we have a pretty good idea of his weight!
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach, lunch meat, pop
Movement: Lots! And he gets the hiccups at least twice a day.
Food cravings: Steak, fish, and lots and lots of sweets! CHIPOTLE! And I keep thinking of this salad from a placed called Urban Grille.
Anything making you queasy or sick: You know, I think I can finally say no to this question!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY! Little Man, as I like to call him. 🙂
Labor Signs: No thank goodness, but I get Braxton hicks several times a day!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On….slowly getting more and more swollen in my fingers and ankles but still wearing my rings!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.
Looking forward to: Just getting to the full term mark in a few weeks!

So every week when I put weight and inches on the chalk board I use the Baby Center application which gives an estimate on those things. However, this week we had an impromptu ultrasound (don’t worry everything is great) but they are able to tell the weight by measurements of the head and stomach. Now, it isn’t exact but it’s a better idea than a website. Since all babies start gaining weight differently at this stage it’s fun to see how big he is. According to the ultrasound tech he is 5 pounds and around 3 ounces! He should gain about half a pound a week now, so we could have an 8 pound baby when it’s all said and done. Which is exciting! So that is neat to know.

Anyways, we feel like we are in the final countdown. And I know everyone says the last few weeks go by so slow but we are ready! Our bags are packed, the carseat is installed, freezer meals are ready, we have all the “necessities.” However, I think Curt and I vary on what is a necessity or not haha, so we still have several things I think we can get that I consider a necessity…… 🙂

Anyways, we are ready but know he needs to “cook” a little longer, which is good!

Bump Update: 33 Weeks


How far along? 33 weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Some nights are better than others, but it’s getting harder and harder to get a good nights sleep!
Best moment this week: We had our baby shower this past weekend! It was thrown by my sisters and mom and it was awesome! I will do a post about it later this week.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach, lunch meat, pop
Movement: Lots! And he gets the hiccups at least twice a day.
Food cravings: Steak, fish, and lots and lots of sweets! Always the same!
Anything making you queasy or sick: You know, I think I can finally say no to this question!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No thank goodness, but I get Braxton Hicks several times a day!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.
Looking forward to: My mom is visiting this weekend to help make freezer meals, which will be fun. And we have a breastfeeding class and tour of the maternity center this weekend.

The picture this week is not in front of the chalkboard as it was taken at the shower. However, little man weighs around 4lbs and is close to 17 inches long! He will spend most of the next few weeks plumping up. 🙂 All of that is according to BabyCenter.

Look for a post later this week about my wonderful baby shower!

Happy New Year and Bump Update!

I hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve and a great start to 2013. We of course are very excited for 2013, as 2013 is the year we will be expanding our family by one! And let me tell you, it feels like time is flying! I have been very fortunate to have all last week off and will finally go back to work tomorrow. We have been able to get a lot done here around the house, as well as spend time with lots of family over the holiday. I think we are both feeling the time crunch that Little Man will make his appearance fairly soon, and that we have lots to do. We have completely reorganized the kitchen and storage room and next weekend we will tackle his nursery. Our weekends are already filling up, so we are trying to make good use of our time as a family of two. Here are some things on our list the next few weeks.

1. Paint and decorate the upstairs bath
2. Organize Little Mans room
3. Make and freeze meals for maternity leave
4. Get carpets professionally cleaned
5. Put away, wash etc. all things for Little Man
6. Go out on some dates and enjoy our time as a family of two. 🙂

I know things will come up to add to that list, but those are our goals the next 60 days or less! 🙂

Below is my 31 week update, please excuse the grunge look, I have another photo of me and my sisters where I look a little more presentable. 🙂


How far along? 31 Weeks, 3 days
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Some nights are better than others
Best moment this week: Ringing in 2013! Is the year we will welcome our little man, and we are getting closer and closer.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach, being able to walk up our millions of flights of stairs without getting completely out of breath.
Movement: Lots! Big rolls and kicks, and it seems he has found a punching bag in my bladder. 🙂
Food cravings: Steak, fish, and lots and lots of sweets! Always the same!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY! Little Man, as I like to call him. 🙂
Labor Signs: No thank goodness, but I have had a lot of Braxton Hicks lately.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On except at night I’ve been taking off all my rings.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both. Shout out to my wonderful husband here, for putting up with me the last 6 months. He has truly been a Saint and I am so thankful he has put up with my weird cravings, moods, and everything else. This is love. 🙂
Looking forward to: We finally start childbirth prep classes this week. They are four weeks long, two hours each week. I can’t wait to be a step closer!


Cheers to you all and I hope you have a great 2013!

Monday Musings: 30 weeks!


Merry Christmas Eve! For Monday Musings I thought I would just do my 30 Week update. 30 weeks, can you believe it! We have a little less than ten weeks until Due Date. Next year at this time we will have a 10 month old baby boy! Time is flying, I feel Iike we have so much to do. 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I will see you in 2013!

How far along? 30 Weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: It’s getting harder and harder, my hips are KILLING me.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Christmas with family.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach and back.
Movement: Yea! And when I drink hot chocolate he always gets the hiccups.
Food cravings: Steak, fish, and lots and lots of sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: You know, I think I can finally say no to this question!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY! Little Man, as I like to call him. 🙂
Labor Signs: No thank goodness,
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On except at night I’ve been taking off all my rings.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.
Looking forward to: Childbirth classes, we start them next week!

Monday Musings

**I had my midwife appointment today and had to drink my glucose drink for my gestational diabetes test. Really hoping I don’t have gestational diabetes, I won’t find out until later tomorrow or Wednesday. The drink is only 5 oz. but having to drink a thick, sugary liquid in three minutes after a large lunch = not good. I haven’t felt good since chugging that. Glad that’s over.
**Speaking of my midwife, my appointment went well and little man is measuring right on! Woohoo! 🙂
**So our dog, Brynn, is a little chunky….but hey she is almost 5 that means middle age in human years and we all know its harder to keep the weight off the older you get. But now that we have the basement done, I have been putting her on the treadmill (don’t worry we still go on walks) and so far she stays on for about ten minutes before she is done….not too shabby! It’s just so funny watching her on there, I wish you could all see her.
**Curt and I got a lot of Christmas shopping done this weekend, I am feeling much better!
**I have been listening to Christmas music in the car, at work etc. and today on my drive to work it was ruined by a Taylor Swift Christmas song. I know a lot of people like her, but I am sorry I just can’t stand her music, and I personally don’t think she is very talented. GASP! That’s right I said it, but she put me in a foul mood this morning.
**Yesterday, I think Curt and I were the definition of lazy and it was great. We made breakfast, and then spent the entire day down in our new basement and watched moves. It was glorious. Below, a photo of my two faves on relaxation day.


Baby Bump Update

I have been so bad about posting my belly updates! So here is one from 26 weeks, when we officially announced the gender, and my most recent one is 28 weeks. I missed taking a photo of 27 weeks sorry!



How far along? 28 weeks, 1 day
Maternity clothes? Yes, mainly just maternity pants and bigger shirts. Al you women out there….maternity pants are SO comfortable, I may even wear them after baby is here. 😉
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: some nights are great, others not so much
Best moment this week: Since I am so far behind on my updates….we have had a lot great moments. We shared the gender with family and friends, had wonderful Thanksgivings, and officially began the 3rd trimester
Miss anything? Still missing gluten
Movement: Yep! I think it’s the best feeling in the world!
Food cravings: Steak, fish, and lots and lots of sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The only thing that comes to mind right now is cottage cheese.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY! Little Man, as I like to call him. 🙂
Labor Signs: No thank goodness,
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On except at night I’ve been taking off all my rings.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both.
Looking forward to: I start going to the midwife every two weeks now, so that means more times to listen to little man’s heartbeat! And I have my glucose challenge test….REALLY hoping that turns out ok.

Oh and one other thing that has happened that we are so excited for. Our basement is finished! Carpet was installed last week and we can officially hang out in there. The tv is mounted, we have slowly started to decorate, it is amazing to have the extra living space! Props to my amazing husband as its all his hard work. Blood, sweat, no tears but maybe tears of happiness when it was done! Here is a sneak peak of it! I will show you more photos later!
